Great game, with one major caveat...
This game looks, sounds, and plays phenominally! Ive always enjoyed this game, even when I played it on my PlayStation 3. There is one glaring caveat, however…
DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME WITH A KEYBOARD ALONE! The controls are situated toward arcade feel, but they are all or nothing, so you will do a lot of burnouts and donuts while playing. Steering with arrow keys is an extremely unadvisable option. Go to your electronics store, and plunk down 20 bucks on a controller. Youll be glad you did.
Since driving games require precision steering and acceleration, I never felt that a keyboard would work well in the first place. Because of this, Im not docking the score a star or two, because I feel that if youre actually going to drive a car (say, in real life), you arent going to slam on the gas, slam on the brake, or yank the wheel 100% to the left and right while steering. Analog control beats digital control, hands down.
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